Asterina winteriana, Fungos Micoparasitas, Meliolaceae, Spiropes sp., Trichothyrium reptansResumo
Five species of Meliola and one of Prillieuxina (black mildews) were recorded in agroecological transitional areas in polyculture crop (consortium of plants – COPs – and agroforestry systems – AFSs) located in Pernambuco State, Brazilian northeast. Meliola anacardii on Anacardium occidentale, M. annonacearum on Annona montana, M. mangiferae on Mangifera indica, M. rhoina on Schinus terebinthifolius, M. trichostroma on Psidium guajava and Prillieuxina winteriana on A. muricata and A. montana. These species differed for host relationship and taxonomic structures. Illustrations of P. winteriana, Meliola spp. and its epiparasites are provided.Downloads
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