Liquid extract of freshwater macroalgae on germination and initial development of Daucus carota L.


  • Rogério Antonio Krupek Unespar, campus de União da Vitória
  • Thalita Luana Varenholt



Biostimulant. Carrot. Seedling.


The use of natural biostimulants is present in the agricultural scenario, with seaweed-based extracts standing out for having favorable effects as fertilizers and phytosanitary products. This work aims to evaluate the effects of freshwater macroalgae extract on carrot seed germination. The experimental design consisted of four treatments, with five replicates containing 20 seeds each (n=100 seeds/treatment). The treatments were organized as follows: T1 (control – containing only distilled water); T2 (1% of algae extract); T3 (5% of algae extract); T4 (10% of algae extract). The experiment was carried out in the laboratory where the Petri dishes (replication) were placed in an incubator at 25°C and 12 hours of photoperiod. The evaluations were carried out daily by counting germinated seeds. Each one of the replicas was photographed to obtain the morphometric measurements (length of the root, stem, and leaves). The measurements were taken with the help of the Image J program. Concerning the carrot seed germination process, the results obtained from germination percentage, speed index, and average germination time revealed a possible allelopathic effect. For the initial development, a positive effect of the freshwater extract was observed (mainly about the treatments with 1% and 5%) on the biometric parameters, mainly with the root size. Although germination was impaired, the positive effects on early carrot growth show a biostimulant potential of the freshwater algae extract.


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How to Cite

Krupek, R. A., & Varenholt, T. L. (2023). Liquid extract of freshwater macroalgae on germination and initial development of Daucus carota L. Brazilian Journal of Agroecology and Sustainability, 5(1), 40–55.