Levantamento da fauna de macroinvertebrados associados à macrófitas aquáticas
Ecossistemas aquáticos, macroinvertebrados, Pistia stratiotes.Resumo
In aquatic ecosystems, the presence of macrophytes offers survival conditions for colonization of macroinvertebrates. This study aimed to characterize the fauna of macroinvertebrates associated with Pistia stratiotes L. (Araceae), in the Capivaras Lagoon, located inside the Baguaçu Ecological Park, in the municipality of Araçatuba, and to relate them to the physical and chemical parameters of the water. The sampling of P. stratiotes was in three points; the samples were sorted and later identified. It was observed a high density of Oligochaeta and Chironomidae larvae in the three points sampled, which may be related to the higher capacity of these organisms tolerate adverse environmental conditions, such as the low concentration of oxygen dissolved in the water obtained in the physical-chemical analyzes. The small lake has a history of pollution and currently suffers from low levels of oxygenation and infestation of P. stratiotes forming a long "rug" enclosed throughout its cover. Considering find solutions to recover the integrity of the environment and,, mainly, to recover the oxygenation of the water, it is suggested more investigations in the area, in several areas and the drainage of the inlet and outlet water channel of the lagoon, beyond the drainage of input and output of water of the lagoon, to improve the rapid circulation, avoiding the establishment of large banks of aquatic macrophytes.Downloads
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