Reuse of polluting agroindustrial waste for ethanol production by Kluyveromyces marxianus
Fermentation, Cheese Serum, Glycerol, Biofuel, YeastResumo
The development of research for the production of biofuels using low cost substrate has become more relevant in recent years. These include reuse of residues such as crude residual glycerol from biodiesel (CRG) and cheese whey (CW) from the dairy industry. The present work evaluated the ethanol production by isolates of the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus using agroindustrial residues as an alternative source of carbon. The cultures were rotated 100 rpm at 30 ° C for 24 h. The ethanol production was observed in both media, however, in the CW higher values of ethanol were observed in relation to the CRG. The results showed that K. marxianus isolates were adapted to the use of lactose present in cheese whey as a source of carbon for the production of ethanol with concentrations ranging from 11.41 to 19.9 g.L-1, but did not demonstrate efficiency in the use of crude glycerol for this purposeDownloads
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