Water quality assessment in the region of Vale dos Sinos using the alternative model Caernorhabditis elegans
Nematode, alternative model, water quality, bioindicadorResumo
The determination of the condition of river water quality is critical to establishing sustainable water resource management policies. In this scenario, the objective of this study is to verify the use the nematode Caenorhabidits elegans as a bioindicator test to evaluate water quality to assess toxicological risks in aquatic environment. The samples of water were collected in three stretches of the Paranhana and Ilha rivers (P1, P2, and P3) in November (spring) of 2018, January (summer) of 2019, April (autumn) of 2019, and August (winter) of 2019. The physicochemical parameters were analyzed according to the standard methods (Standard Methods for the examination of Water and Wastewater 23rd edition). The nematode strains used are savage lineage N2 and were obtained through the Caenorhabidits Genetics Center (CGC) for the bioindicator test. The development evaluation was verified by the body surface area measurement of 20 nematodes quantified through the ImageJ software. Most physicochemical parameters were within limits recommended by CONAMA, but aluminum presented values ten times higher than the recommended limit. Significant differences were observed in the nematode development from all the samples compared to the control group (p<0,001). The results obtained in this study, using C. elegans as a bioindicator, showed possible toxicological effects due to pollutants present in aquatic environment that can affect live organisms. The nematode C. elegans was sensitive, showing that ecotoxicological assays are important for a realistic scenario of threats to water quality.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2022 Laura Cé da Silva, Cassiana Bigolin, Júlia Machado Menezes, Tainara Amanda Ayres, Gabriela Zimmermann Prado Rodrigues, Vinícius Bley Rodrigues, Isadora Ritter Muller, Gunther Gehlen, Andresa Heemann Betti, Mariele Feiffer Charão

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