Installation and calibration of sensors for analysis of soil humidity and temperature in eastern Amazon areas


  • Renato Silva Junior Instituto Tecnológico Vale Desenvolvimento Sustentável - ITV DS
  • Alexandra Lima Tavares Climatempo (StormGeo)
  • Marcio Sousa da Silva Instituto Tecnológico Vale Desenvolvimento Sustentável
  • Gabriel Caixeta Martins Instituto Tecnológico Vale Desenvolvimento Sustentável
  • Carlos Eduardo Aguiar de Souza Costa Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Adayana Maria Queiroz de Melo Instituto Tecnológico Vale Desenvolvimento Sustentável
  • Wilson da Rocha Nascimento Júnior Instituto Tecnológico Vale Desenvolvimento Sustentável



Direct measurement, drill & drop, water balance


Soil moisture and temperature are important components to improve watershed management and natural resource planning. In that way, this article aimed to evaluate the installation and calibration of five sensors (Drill & Drop) as well as the consistency of the results obtained for moisture and soil temperature in areas of forest, pasture, forest-pasture transition, and pasture-urban transition in the Itacaiúnas River Hydrographic Area (IRB) in the Eastern Amazon. The results are from April to September 2019, showing different trends between forest and pasture areas. The data consistency analysis efficiently identified measurement errors, especially in the soil’s surface layer (10 cm). The highest percentage of error data occurred in the Onça Puma and IFPA rural stations, with 22.8% and 17.6%. On the other hand, these results may be associated with the environmental characteristics of the region, as well as the soil’s physical characteristics during each season. The soil temperature and humidity parameters were consistent with data from other meteorological variables (precipitation and mean air temperature) measured by sensors installed in the local hydrometeorological stations. Generally, the temperature and soil moisture measurements were obtained properly and are presented as quality data sources. Thus, it is expected that the results will contribute to enriching the availability of soil data in the IRB and encourage the use of direct measurements given the quantity (and quality) of data obtained using this instrumentation.


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Como Citar

Silva Junior, R., Tavares, A. L., Silva, M. S. da, Martins, G. C., Costa, C. E. A. de S., Melo, A. M. Q. de, & Nascimento Júnior, W. da R. (2023). Installation and calibration of sensors for analysis of soil humidity and temperature in eastern Amazon areas. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 8(2), 086–098.