Edge effect on vascular epiphytes in a subtropical Atlantic Forest fragment
Biodiversity, epiphytic community, fragmentation, matrix quality, subtropical forestResumo
The Atlantic Forest is a hotspot for epiphyte richness; however, it is experiencing one of the highest rates of degradation, exposing epiphytes to edge effects. This study aimed to evaluate the floristic composition and richness of vascular epiphytes and their relationship with phorophyte features and microenvironmental variables at the edge and in the interior of a subtropical Atlantic Forest fragment in Brazil. Twenty-five trees were analyzed, respectively, at the edge and in the interior of the fragment, totaling fifty individuals. The height and diameter of phorophytes, temperature, relative air humidity, photosynthetically active radiation, and canopy opening were measured. A total of 41 epiphytic species were recorded, 40 occurring in the interior and 23 at the edge. Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Polypodiaceae were the richest families, representing 75% of all species. The average number of species per tree in the interior was twice that for the edge. Pleopeltis pleopeltifolia, Microgramma squamulosa, M. vacciniifolia, and Rhipsalis teres concentrated great biomass in both environments, with twice as much in the interior. Epiphyte richness and biomass were lower on thinner trees with more open canopies at the edge. Our results indicate that the forest interior is more beneficial for epiphytes, which are sensitive to the edge effect. The contrast between the epiphytic communities of the edge and the interior reveals the need to increase the richness and abundance of native trees and prevent cattle grazing, the planting of exotic species, and more human settlements in the habitat matrix.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ana Paula Utzig Lippert, Vinícius Leão Silva, Ivanete Teresinha Mallmann, Andressa Müller, Annette Droste, Jairo Lizandro Schmitt

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