Desempenho, Indicadores de Qualidade, Perdas Técnicas, Eficiência Energética.Abstract
This study aims to investigate the relationship between performance and the management of technical losses and energy efficiency of the Paraíba sanitation company. to this end, a theoretical framework about performance, technical losses and energy efficiency was approached. As a methodology, quality indicators were selected in order to represent performance (compliance with the ordinance on water quality and complaints and services performed). In addition, the technical loss management and energy efficiency variables are subdivided into six categories: administrative, managerial, environmental, social, technical and operational factors. The treatment was performed using Spearman's correlation matrix, justifying the fact that the correlated variables are ordinal in nature. That said, it was found that there is a correlation of certain variables of management of technical losses and energy efficiency with quality indicators, especially with regard to performance with the strategies applied to reduce the number of complaints or requests for services by customers, as well as the optimization of time for requested service solutions.Downloads
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