challenges for sovereignty and food security in farming agriculture




The sovereignty and alimentary security are subjects that in recent years have been sufficiently boarded in the scientific community, as well as in the spaces of social movements and are considered emergent. The objective of this work was to analyze the thematic sovereignty and alimentary security, over all in familiar agriculture and the agroecológico context. An integrativa revision of the literature, based on the method was become fullfilled prism with the question’s guides: as the thematic ones related to the sovereignty, the alimentary security and the agroecologia had been boarded in the works developed in last the 5 years. What these articles had approached on subtemas: women, public politics, system of production and food consumption? For the search, one used the terms “sovereignty” and “alimentary security” in Portuguese and English “sovereignty” and “food security”. 19 articles for integral reading had been selected. It had a bigger concentration of studies in countries of Latin America, as Brazil and countries of the African continent. The studies of bigger prominence, with subtemas more related, had been the ones that approach production systems (31.57%), followed of sort (21.05%), public politics (15.78%) and food consumption (10.52%). In this study, it was possible to perceive how much the planejamentos of action for new ambient agendas for familiar agriculture, over all in context of global sanitary crisis, are extremely emergent. Moreover, it is necessary also the permanence of the fortalecimento of familiar agriculture, peasants, of the traditional peoples and the sustainable ways of agricultural production. The analysis of these studies is basic so that it can construct forms of extending the recognition, valuation and visibility of agriculture, as well as to contribute to research and extension for the scientific community


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How to Cite

marques, dandara, LIMA DA SILVA ANDRADE, H. M., & Maia Moser , L. (2022). challenges for sovereignty and food security in farming agriculture . Brazilian Journal of Agroecology and Sustainability, 4(1).