Creole Seed Network of the Southern Agreste of Pernambuco - SEMEAM Network: History, Trajectory and Performance




Peasant Autonomy, Plant genetic resources, family farming, agroecology


The Creole Community Seed Banks (BCS) stand out as movements that conserve agrobiodiversity and promote the perpetuation of local and traditional knowledge. Creole seeds are considered part of the genetic and cultural heritage of traditional and peasant peoples, who resist with their knowledge that descend from the beginnings of the practice of food cultivation. The formation of networks of struggle has been growing in recent years, opening space for socialization of experiences in political, economic and academic debates. This article aims to compile and share the trajectory of the SEMEAM Network (Rede de Sementes Crioulas do Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco) through the report of its actions and performances. Data collection was carried out through unstructured interviews with two people who were present at the founding of the network and are active in the articulation until the present day. In addition, electronic searches were performed on the organization's social networks and Google. The development was divided into 8 topics, alluding to the 8 years of existence of the SEMEAM Network. In this route, the events developed by the network stand out, such as the Crioula Seed Seminars and the Crioulo Seed Exchange Fairs. In addition, participatory research, the creation of new BCS, the commercialization of Creole production and experimentation in the field of communication were also highlighted. In these years of existence, the SEMEAM Network has, through its actions and performance, contributed to the animation and articulation of territories around the theme of conservation and use of local and traditional seeds.


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Author Biographies

Rafaela Cavalcante de Barros, University of Pernambuco

Graduated in Full Degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (2019). He currently develops work in the Popular Peasant Movement, in EMBRAPA and in the Rede de Sementes Crioulas do Agreste Meridional de Pernambuco (Rede Semeam) with the rescue and preservation of creole seeds and in defense of the millennial culture of knowledge of the peasantry. Master's student at UPE in the Graduate Program in Health and Socio-environmental Development (PPGSDS). He has experience in the area of ​​Holistic Therapies with training in Homeopathy in Living Systems, in Applied Phytotherapy and is currently studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with an emphasis on Acupuncture. It also works with eco-training activities through the implementation of vegetable gardens and pedagogical nurseries, Experiential Environmental Education and Rural Extension. Has experience in the field of arts through work with photography, video production and production of photographic exhibitions. Exercising in this way, the perpetuation of integral health through eco-formative, artistic and holistic practices.

Pedro Henrique de Medeiros Balensifer, Pernambuco Agronomic Institute

Graduated in Fishing Engineering (2003), Degree in Agricultural Sciences (2004) and Master in Rural Extension and Local Development - Posmex/UFRPE. He works professionally as a Rural Extensionist at the Pernambuco Agronomic Institute (IPA) in Garanhuns/PE. He acts as a researcher and extensionist in the themes of creole seeds, agrobiodiversity and commercialization of family farming and agroecological production in the Agreste Meridional region of Pernambuco.

Nayra Luiza de Oliveira Souza, Pernambuco Agronomic Institute

Domestic Economist graduated from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco - UFRPE and since 2007 I work as a rural extensionist at the Agronomic Institute of Pernambuco - IPA in the municipality of Bom Conselho where it is located in the Southern Agreste of Pernambuco. My main role is in the quality of services provided to our target audience, which are family farmers in the municipality through federal and state government programs such as the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), the Brasil sem Miséria Plan (PBSM ), between others.


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How to Cite

Cavalcante de Barros, R., Henrique de Medeiros Balensifer, P. ., & de Oliveira Souza, N. L. (2022). Creole Seed Network of the Southern Agreste of Pernambuco - SEMEAM Network: History, Trajectory and Performance. Brazilian Journal of Agroecology and Sustainability, 4(2).