Temporal variation affecting zooplankton in freshwater rock pools
Diversity, ecological drivers, evenness, seasonal dynamics, species abundanceResumo
Most ecological studies have focused on one snapshot in a single location and the same taxonomic group. However, relatively few studies have explored different taxonomic groups across different periods, particularly in ephemeral Neotropical ecosystems. This study investigates the seasonal dynamics of zooplankton communities and their responses to environmental variables in temporary pools in the Seasonally Dry Forest Ecosystem, Pernambuco, Brazil. We examined the seasonal fluctuations in species abundance, diversity, and evenness of Cladocera, Copepoda, and Rotifera in five temporary rock pools. Although these pools are meters apart, they vary considerably in size and drought sensitivity, leading to distinct seasonal dynamics mediated by water availability. We asked (i) how species abundance, diversity, and evenness vary seasonally? (ii) How do water environmental variables and spatial distance of pools influence zooplankton species composition? (iii) Do these seasonal shifts differ between Cladocera, Copepoda, and Rotifera? We hypothesized that the rainy period positively influences Cladocera and Copepoda, while Rotifera is more common in the post-rainy and dry periods. Our findings underscore seasonality as the main driver influencing the abundance and composition of zooplankton communities. We observed that seasonality affected only Cladocera and Rotifera, but Copepoda was not affected. These differences among groups highlight the importance of considering biological differences when understanding the ecological drivers of temporary freshwater ecosystems. We reinforced the relevance of investigating the effects of seasonality on the species abundance, diversity, and evenness of zooplankton, especially compared with extreme conditions such as the wet and dry seasons.Downloads
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