Local scale variation in plant assemblage’s attributes in the semi-arid region, Northeastern Brazil


  • Keila Cristina Carvalho Costa
  • Ana Carolina Borges Lins e Silva




Caatinga, spatial heterogeneity, structure, woody plants.


Variations in physiognomy and structure associated to abiotic factors in local scale rarely are reported for the typical vegetation of Northeastern Brazil semi-arid, Caatinga. It was tested if six adjacent biotopes with distinct altitudinal (450-690m) and pedological aspects present different woody plant attributes (structure and physiognomy). A total of 2,055 stems, 23 families, 64 species/ morpho-species were recorded. Clear altitudinal or pedological local-scale gradient could not be defined along a priori defined biotopes, which hold in fact two phytocoenoses: Plateau Summit, at greatest altitude, with distinct physiognomy and exclusive taxa; and lower altitude assemblage, presenting physiognomic and structural similarity


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Author Biography


Universidade Federal Rural de PernambucoDepartamento de Biologia


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How to Cite

Rodal, M. N., Costa, K. C. C., & Lins e Silva, A. C. B. (2018). Local scale variation in plant assemblage’s attributes in the semi-arid region, Northeastern Brazil. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 3(4), 396–405. https://doi.org/10.24221/jeap.3.4.2018.1673.396-405