Qualitative analysis of the behavior of the seedlings of sugarcane of different varieties using the method of temporary immersion


  • Michelle Maria Perez Lott Biofábrica Governador Miguel Arraes do Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste
  • Arthur Travassos de Queiroz Xavier Biofábrica Governador Miguel Arraes do Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste
  • Áurea Alice Oliveira da Silva Biofábrica Governador Miguel Arraes do Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste




Bioreactor, micro-propagation, multiplication, Bio-factory, production


Sugar cane is a culture of great importance worldwide due to the fact it is the raw material needed for the production of sugar, ethanol, and biomass, among other products. The micro-propagation of seedlings in a lab generates superior production when compared to the conventional process of propagation in the field. Therefore, it is seen as an alternative to produce healthy seedlings that present the same genetic load of the matrices. A disadvantage of micro-propagation is the high cost of workforce used in the process. The System of Temporary Immersion (SIT) was createdwith the goal of solving this issue. At the bio-factory Governador Miguel Arraes of the Center of Strategic Technology of the Northeast (CETENE), this system consists of 2 PET bottles of 5L (Bioreactors – BITs), a group of hoses and two Millipore filters of 0.22µm as well as automated controllers. Within the BITs it is possible to multiply a higher quantity of plants decreasing, this way, the time within the lab. Theobjective of this study is the qualitative analysis of the behavior of the System of Temporary Immersion using seedlings of different varieties of sugar cane. The methodology consisted of transferring the content of 1 or 3 pots, depending on the test, to the bioreactor with 200ml and 500ml of culture mean respectively. The varieties used were RB 86 3129 and B 8008 because there are fewer studies about them and of great interest to the Bio-factory. The variety RB 86 3129, on the first pricking, presented a better response than the B 8008, and days later the majority presented loss through contamination.


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Author Biography

Michelle Maria Perez Lott, Biofábrica Governador Miguel Arraes do Centro de Tecnologias Estratégicas do Nordeste

Pesquisadora responsável pelo controle da produção na Biofábrica.


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How to Cite

Lott, M. M. P., Xavier, A. T. de Q., & Silva, Áurea A. O. da. (2018). Qualitative analysis of the behavior of the seedlings of sugarcane of different varieties using the method of temporary immersion. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 3(1), 049–054. https://doi.org/10.24221/jeap.3.1.2018.1700.049-054