Parâmetros de Qualidade da Nata de Produção Artesanal
An important dairy basin located in the region of Agreste of Pernambuco, maintains the tradition in the production of milk and derivatives, having in the cream a lipid food of great sensorial appreciation. However, its artisanal production can compromise the physical-chemical and hygienic-sanitary quality. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the microbiological parameters and the centesimal composition of the cream produced in the Agreste of Pernambuco. Total coliforms at the mean concentration of 4.0 x 102 CFU.g-1 and thermotolerant coliforms up to 20 CFU.g-1 were found, the latter in a concentration above the limit allowed by RDC No. 12 (BRASIL, 2001). the amount of up to 10 CFU.g-1, thus proving the presence of fecal material next to the product. The presence of coagulase positive Staphylococcus and Salmonella spp. The centesimal composition of the cream showed 531.07 kcal, 39.39% humidity, 0.26 g ash, 0.92 g of carbohydrate, 1.7 g of protein, and 57.73 g of lipids. Considering the microbiological results and the centesimal composition, it is observed that the cream studied should be consumed with moderation, since besides presenting a high percentage of lipids, above the nutritional recommendation, that is up to 30%, it is unsafe as to its consumption, due to the presence of thermotolerant coliforms above the limit allowed by current sanitary legislation.Downloads
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