Detection of True Mangroves in Indonesia Using Satellite Remote Sensing
Landsat 8, true mangrove, Optimum Index FactorAbstract
Mangrove existence is necessary to protect coastal. One method that can be used to keep mangrove existence were using satellite imagery monitoring. The number of bands in the imagery led to the selection for the RGB composite bands was difficult because a lot of combinations to try. One technique that can be done to get the best RGB combination of an object is to use Optimum Index Factor (OIF). OIF is a statistical technique for selecting three combinations of imagery bands to visualize the image display to the fullest. It is based on the value of total variance and the correlation coefficient between the bands. Landsat 8 has 7 bands with 30 m resolution, one panchromatic band with 15 m resolution, and two bands with 100 m resolution. The purpose of this study was to detect true mangrove using three bands from OIF value of Landsat 8. The results of the processing from 6 bands (2-7), obtained 20 bands combinations with the highest value of OIF is 0,168, ie, bands 2-56 (Blue, NIR, SWIR-1). Based on the combination, the next step was unsupervised classification process for true mangrove identification (Rizhopora, Brugueira, Avicennia, Soneratia). The best classification using band combination 2-7 with true mangrove reached 4.041 ha.Downloads
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