Aquaculture in Brazil and worldwide: overview and perspectives


  • Eduardo Soares Calixto
  • Danilo Ferreira Borges Santos
  • Denise Lange
  • Melina Santos Galdiano
  • Inayat Ur Rahman



Aquatic organisms, biofloc system, fish farming, fish production, ration


Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms through a controlled cultivation process. Currently, half the fish consumed by the world population is produced by aquaculture activity. This review, and informed data, trends, and the general panorama of aquaculture in Brazil and worldwide, as well as the scenario of the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) production, in order to provide specific directions for future investments and researches. Globally, fish aquaculture productivity is approximately 110 million tons in 2016, with China being the country with the highest productivity (49 million tons). Brazil occupies the 13th place with about 700 thousand tons of aquaculture fish, where tilapia is one of the most cultivated. Furthermore, the ration production for aquaculture is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country (930 thousand tons of ration represents 1.33% concerning the total feed produced to cultivation of the animals – data of 2016), with emphasis on the biofloc system, which represents a productive method with better cost-benefit and low environmental impact. In general, aquaculture trends are the real progress of this activity, but so that social, economic, and environmental aspects are interconnected and progressing concomitantly.


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How to Cite

Calixto, E. S., Santos, D. F. B., Lange, D., Galdiano, M. S., & Rahman, I. U. (2020). Aquaculture in Brazil and worldwide: overview and perspectives. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 5(1), 098–107.