Construction and validation of a low cost tension table
field capacity, soil compaction, agricultural systems, Richards extractorAbstract
Richards Pressure Chamber is the most traditional method and considered standard for determining soil water retention stresses, however, has the disadvantage of high acquisition cost. The tension table is alternative equipment for the low cost of this method and varied construction. The objective of this study was to construct a low cost tension table and easy assembly comparing it with the Richards Pressure Chamber using soil samples from different cultivation systems, being extensive grazing, rotated grazing, corn cultivation, Tifton cultivation, sugar cane cultivation and natural forest (control), submitted to 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 e 12 kPa water retention. Were analyzed the densities, granulometry and organic matter of the soil. The area under Tifton cultivation, even with the highest organic matter content, promoting soil compaction resistance, presented higher soil density, followed by rotational grazing. This fact can be explained by the heavy traffic in irrigated area without the control of the applied load on the ground and the inadequate water management. Excessive animal load for rotational grazing without the concern for the applied pressure, caused the highest soil density. Low cost tension table values were different from Richards pressure chamber, been the correction factor required to use the equipament accurately.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2021 Samuel Dias Moreira, André Cabral França, Wellington Willian Rocha, Mucio Magno de Melo Farnezi, Fabrício Resende de Aguiar

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