Application of soil seed bank techniques to facilitate forest restoration in the Caatinga


  • Maria Monique Tavares Saraiva UFCG
  • Luzia Ferreira da Silva
  • Tâmela Larissa Silva Xavier
  • Cleyson Xavier da Silva



nucleação, topsoil, serapilheira, área degradada


Nucleation is a technique widely used in restoration projects, but the transposition of the seed bank in the soil with greater depth is still incipient, especially in the Caatinga Biome. Thus, it evaluated whether the two seed bank transposition techniques (litter and topsoil) collected in two natural environments of the Mata da Pimenteira State Park provide seedling emergence in degraded areas of the Caatinga. Litter and topsoil techniques were transported from two natural environments of the Park, Serra Branca and Pimenteira to two restoration areas in UFRPE/UAST in plots distributed in nuclei. The design was in randomized blocks, both for litter in 2016 and for topsoil in 2017. The highest average of emerging seedlings occurred in the technique of surface forest soil transposition (topsoil), mainly in the collection environment of the pepper tree area of the Pimenteira State Park. Herbaceous (herbs) were more evident in the topsoil (63.25%) than in litter (61%) and the species Alcalypha poiretii was the most abundant in the Pimenteira area, while the species Croton hirtus in the Serra Branca. The topsoil technique showed higher species richness, while litter was less uniform, but both techniques presented potential for species conservation and the Pimenteira environment provided higher viable seed bank potential in degraded areas under caatinga ecosystem conditions.


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How to Cite

Saraiva, M. M. T. ., Silva, L. F. da, Xavier, T. L. S., & Silva, C. X. da . (2023). Application of soil seed bank techniques to facilitate forest restoration in the Caatinga. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 8(1), 030–037.