Soil aquifer treatment of polishing pond effluent as an alternative to agricultural reuse


  • Wilza da Silva Lopes Instituto Nacional do Semiárido
  • Antonielly dos Santos Barbosa Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Gleydson Kleyton Moura Nery Instituto Nacional do Semiárido
  • Janiele França Nery Instituto Nacional do Semiárido



Infiltration columns, Irrigation, Nutrients, Preservation


The treatment of effluents for agricultural reuse is a sustainable alternative, as it provides a perennial source of water and nutrients, in addition to promoting the qualitative and quantitative protection of water resources. The soil aquifer treatment (TSA) in basins or infiltration channels allows the treatment through the passage of effluent in the soil, with removal of organic matter, pathogens and other compounds harmful to crops. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the treatment of effluents from polishing ponds in TSA systems, as a way to improve the quality of the effluent to be used in irrigation. For this, an infiltration column filled with sand, previously characterized, with a volume of 7.85 L and a height of the filter medium of 80 cm was used. Daily, the effluent from the lagoon was evenly distributed in the upper part of the infiltration column, and the filtered effluent collected in the lower part. As a result, organic matter removals of 61% and 72% were obtained, for BOD and COD, respectively, a 53% reduction of suspended material, nutrient conservation and sanitary quality meeting the criteria established by WHO 2006. The TSA system showed improvements in the quality of the effluent from the lake, making it a viable and safe alternative for water reuse in agricultural practices.


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Author Biographies

Wilza da Silva Lopes, Instituto Nacional do Semiárido

Sanitary and Environmental Engineer (UEPB), Master in Civil and Environmental Engineering (UFCG), Doctor in Environmental Engineering (UEPB) and Researcher at the National Institute of the Semi-Arid (INSA)

Antonielly dos Santos Barbosa, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande

Química Industrial (UEPB), Mestra em Engenharia Química (UFCG)e Doutora em Engenharia Química (UFCG)

Gleydson Kleyton Moura Nery, Instituto Nacional do Semiárido

Biólogo (UEPB), Mestre em Ecologia e Conservação (UEPB) e Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Recursos Hídricos (INSA)

Janiele França Nery, Instituto Nacional do Semiárido

Bióloga (UEPB), Mestre em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente (UFPB), Doutora em Ciências Ambientais (UEM) e Pesquisadora do Núcleo de Recursos Hídricos (INSA)


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How to Cite

da Silva Lopes, W., dos Santos Barbosa, A. ., Nery, G. K. M. ., & França Nery, J. . (2022). Soil aquifer treatment of polishing pond effluent as an alternative to agricultural reuse. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 7(4), 227–234.