Validation of a spectral model for determining CO2 fluxes in areas of the Caatinga Biome
Floresta seca, Carbono, CO2flux, OLI, Landsat-8Abstract
The development of models with high coverage and low cost are fundamental for monitoring the carbon dynamics in ecosystems. The present work analyzed, by remote sensing, the CO2 fluxes in the Caatinga Biome, verifying the potential of multispectral images in determining the CO2 dynamics in areas of preserved caatinga and in ecological succession. The Forest Carbon Sequestration Index (CO2flux) was applied for spectral modeling in 20 scenes of the OLI sensor (Landsat 8). To validate the results, the CO2flux measured in micrometeorological towers was used. According to the moment of passage of the Landsat 8 satellite, different temporal scales of the CO2flux data from the tower were used considering intervals of half, one and two hours. Normality analysis was performed using the Shapiro-Wilk test, data were subjected to Spearman correlation and then the best model was selected based on the root mean square error (RSME). The CO2flux spectral index proved to be compatible for evaluating the parameters of estimating CO2 fluxes in caatinga areas when compared with CO2 fluxes from the pixel corresponding to the location of the tower, with Spearman correlation coefficients ranging from ? = -0.8 a ? = -0.7. The proposed model presented a high correlation with the observed data (R2=0.8; RSME=1.6), showing an efficient adjustment in the evaluation of CO2 fluxes and great potential in the use of multispectral images for monitoring the CO2flux capturing the effects of seasonal changes in the dynamics of carbon fluxes.Downloads
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