Panorama dos impactos causados pelo descarte inadequado dos resíduos sólidos na biodiversidade




Biodiversidade, disposição de resíduos, impacto ambiental


Biodiversity has been and is in constant natural transformation, but due to the actions carried out by man, whether by the extraction of natural resources and consequently the generation of pollution by the inadequate disposal of waste, it has accelerated the process of extinction of species and raw materials applied in the production process. In this scenario, the extraction for the production of new products required the physical and chemical transformation of the waste and therefore the adoption of specific technologies for the treatment and environmentally correct final disposal. However, not all types of waste (solid, liquid and gaseous) generated are disposed of in an environmentally correct way, causing several impacts on biodiversity. In this sense, the research seeks to observe the impacts caused by the irregular disposal of solid waste in the environment. To this end, the methodology applied consisted of a systematic review of articles that addressed the issue of inappropriate disposal and the impacts generated by waste between the periods of 2018 to 2022. In light of the observations made in the studies, it was found that the most generated were industrial and urban, with plastic being the main cause of problems in biodiversity due to the pollution of oceans, land and air, demonstrating the need for greater participation of governments in the adoption of public policies for the waste generated.  


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How to Cite

Santos Júnior, R. S. dos, & Souza, R. R. de . (2023). Panorama dos impactos causados pelo descarte inadequado dos resíduos sólidos na biodiversidade. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 8(2), 062–069.