Evolution of chemical stabilization in expansive soils
Solos expansivos, aditivos químicos, estabilização químicaAbstract
The expansive soils suffer volumetric variations due to moisture variation, and for this reason that its behavior varies throughout the year depending on the climatological conditions, with expansion and shrinkage, which can cause damage to buildings, thus the need to perform its stabilization. There are several methods to perform the stabilization of expansive soils among them, we can mention the chemical stabilization, but to choose the most appropriate method is necessary to know them to make the right choice, regarding a technical and economic approach. For many years these soils have been studied, being a constant theme. This paper presents an analysis of the evolution of the chemical stabilization of expansive soils. A literature review of materials published in the last 70 years on the subject was performed. It was observed a great concern in performing the stabilization of expansive soil, so that it can come to resist all efforts required of it, in addition to some important advances regarding the environmental impact, such as the use of waste from industrial production processes.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luana Dantas Medeiros, Silvio Romero de Melo Ferreira , Maria Isabela Marques da Cunha Vieira Bello
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Material protected by copyright and plagiarism rights. In the case of copyrighted material being reproduced in a manuscript, full attribution should be informed in the text; an authorization document is proving to be sent to the Editorial Board as a supplementary document. It is the responsibility of the authors, not JEAP or editors or reviewers, to inform, in the article, the authors of texts, data, graphics, images and maps previously published elsewhere. If there is any suspicion about the originality of the material, the Editorial Board can check the manuscript for plagiarism. Where plagiarism is confirmed, the document will be returned without further review and the possibility of a new submission. Self-plagiarism (i.e., the use of the same phrases previously published documents by any of the authors) is not acceptable.
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