Evaluation and potential for water losses reduction in cities of the state of Pernambuco with water scarcity and intermittent supply
water resourses, sanitation, water supply system, water losses, performance indicators, hydraulic effiency, intermittent suppyAbstract
Several cities in the Northeast of Brazil have prolonged periods of drought and water scarcity. Thus, these cities adopt intermittent water supply as an alternative to save water during periods of drought. Despite this situation, the rate of water loss exceeds 50%. Therefore, more than half of all treated water supplied to these cities was lost. This study analyzed the water distribution system of the cities of Caruaru and Salgueiro (Pernambuco), proposing alternatives to mitigate the effects of water scarcity and intermittent supply with the reduction of water losses. The research methodology consisted of data collection, database statistics analysis, calculating of performance indicators, and results comparisons. From 2012 to 2016, water losses were 72.25 million m³ in these cities, which represents approximately 50% of the water produced by the sanitation company. The water loss index in Caruaru was over 50% for several months and, it exceeded 25% over the entire period in Salgueiro. The results have demonstrated the potential for the implementation of loss control programs; besides, intermittency supply has detrimental impacts on the physical integrity of water mains, culminating in an ineffective rationing measure.Downloads
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