Carnivorous plants in the Serra from Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe, Brazil
Floristic; Insectivorous plants; NortheastAbstract
Carnivorous plants are organisms that in their evolution have developed adaptive mechanisms to be able to achieve their nutritional needs by capturing and absorbing animals. The aim of this study was to inventory the carnivorous plants of the Serra from Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe. The inventory of carnivorous plants was carried out through walks (active search) through the study sites. 10 expeditions were carried out to locations with an average duration of 4 hours each one. The sampled species were classified according to the type of traps in: (i) cage; (ii) suction; (iii) sticky sheets; (iv) ascidians. We sampled 11 species distributed in three genera and two families. The Droseraceae family had one species (9.1%) and the Lentibulariaceae family had 10 species (90.9%). The most common type of trap among the species was the suction trap (90.9%), followed by the semi-active trap (9.1%). It is concluded that the Serra frombItabaiana National Park, Sergipe presents a high richness of carnivorous species.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2023 Guilherme Almeida Saturnino, Mylena Mayara dos Santos Macedo, Kelianne Carolina Targino de Araújo, Juliano Ricardo Fabricante
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