Proposal for teaching boxes for scientific dissemination of the microplastics and its impact on aquatic organisms and ecosystems




Primary microplastics, Plastic fragmentation, Pollution, Human impacts, Environmental education


The main objective of this work is to present didactic products for the scientific popularization of primary and secondary microplastics and their impacts on aquatic organisms and ecosystems, especially the oceans. Considering the urgency of containing the impacts of plastics on the Planet, didactic resources that help the propagation of this theme are necessary. The purpose of these educational products is to reach the public of school age, but their scope goes beyond schools, and can also be applied in parks and various exhibitions for society as a whole. Three didactic boxes are presented with the following themes: “The origin of secondary microplastics”, conceptualizing also the primary microplastics, “Microplastics in water - a color soup”, exploring the diversity of colors and shapes of these pollutants, and “The impact of microplastics on organisms”, whose scheme addresses a classic aquatic food chain and the context of microplastics in this trophic web. The didactic boxes were applied in public schools and in extension actions in the years 2021 and 2022, with a good reception from listeners regarding the content addressed. We believe that these products facilitated the process of disseminating a topic that is difficult to be observed only with general schemes, changing the perspective of understanding the impacts of microplastics on nature, as well as our role in the propagation of these pollutants in ecosystems.


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How to Cite

Silva, E. A. R. da, & Melo Júnior, M. de. (2023). Proposal for teaching boxes for scientific dissemination of the microplastics and its impact on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 8(4), 272–284.