Relações lineares entre caracteres do pendão e da espiga em bases genéticas de milho
Zea mays L., linear correlation, path analysis, regression treeAbstract
The phenotypic responses of maize vary due to its genetic bases. Therefore, it is important to understand whether these variations in phenotype have an impact the linear relationships between traits. The objectives of this study were to verify whether there are linear relationships between tassel and ear traits and whether these relationships are different between the genetic bases (single, triple and double hybrids and varieties) of maize. An experiment was conducted with maize genotypes on five sowing dates. On the first sowing date (September 21, 2021), 71 genotypes were evaluated (46 single hybrids, 14 triple hybrids, 3 double hybrids and 8 varieties). On the other four sowing dates (October 20, 2021, November 20, 2021, December 20, 2021 and January 30, 2022) 78 genotypes were evaluated (47 simple hybrids, 15 triple hybrids, 8 double hybrids and 8 varieties). In five plants of each genotype and sowing date (n = 1,915 plants), the length of the tassel, ear diameter, ear length, number of rows of grains per ear, ear mass, cob diameter, cob mass, grain length and ear grain mass were measured. Correlation, path and regression tree analyses were carried out. There are linear relationships between the traits of the tassel and the ear. The linear relationships between the traits are similar between the genetic bases. Ear mass can be used to indirectly select plants with greater grain mass, regardless of genetic bases.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2024 Murilo Vieira Loro, Alberto Cargnelutti Filho, Vithória Morena Ortiz, Mikael Brum dos Reis, João Augusto Andretta, Bruno Raul Schuller
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