Optimization of anaerobic digestion of agricultural residues: scientific prospection of alternative alkalizers
Acidification, Biogas, Methane, WasteAbstract
Anaerobic digestion (AD) enables the transformation of waste into value-added products, being implemented in several agricultural properties in Brazil. When used in the treatment of easily biodegradable materials can suffer instability resulting in failure by acidification, which can commonly be remedied with the use of chemicals, which increases the cost of the process. Therefore, the present study aimed to analyze the worldwide panorama of scientific publications on the AD of agricultural waste and conduct a scientific prospection of articles that evaluate materials or substances alternatives to chemical alkali, able to stabilize pH. to conduct the research we used the database web of science, sciencedirect and scopus. The results show that the studies directed to the use of technology are multidisciplinary and showed significant growth over the years. On the world stage can be observed the predominance of Chinese in the number of publications, a result associated with the set of public policies in the country focused on the use of biomass generated. In scientific prospecting, there is diversity in the characteristics and results obtained with the alkali, being used carbon-based materials, industrial waste and agricultural waste with buffering effect. However, the development of research on this topic proved to be little explored, making.Downloads
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