Avaliação da eficiência de tratamentos físico-químicos para efluentes gerados no processo de beneficiamento de jeans no Polo Têxtil de Pernambuco





Textile effluent, Textile effluent treatment, Textile industry, Textile processing, Textile laundries


Textile effluents pose a challenge to the industry due to their potential for compromising environmental quality, stemming from their heterogeneous composition and the pollutants present in these wastewater. Consequently, physico-chemical treatments based on coagulation, flocculation processes, and adsorption methods have been widely employed in treating effluents generated in laundry facilities involved in garment processing. In this context, this study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of physico-chemical methods based on coagulation/flocculation and adsorption processes for treating textile effluents generated in denim processing activities in the Textile Center of Agreste de Pernambuco, Brazil. For this purpose, inorganic coagulants such as aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride were considered, along with activated carbon as the adsorbent. Coagulation treatments were assessed at different coagulant concentrations and pH variations, while adsorption treatment involved three ranges of adsorbent dosages with different contact times. It was observed that the optimal concentration for both coagulants corresponded to a dosage of 60 mg.L-1. The results showed similar performance between the two coagulants in terms of efficiency, leading to a significant reduction in the evaluated parameters, with the pH range influencing the outcomes obtained. Furthermore, it was noted that the performance of the adsorption processes varied according to the adsorbent dosage and was impacted by the considered contact times. Therefore, it was concluded that the processes applied, as evidenced in this study, demonstrate efficiency in treating textile effluents generated in laundry facilities.


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How to Cite

Araújo, M. P. de, Sousa, B. A. A. de, Lima, I. L. P., Mendonça, O. J. T., Santos, A. F. de M. S., & Tavares, R. G. (2024). Avaliação da eficiência de tratamentos físico-químicos para efluentes gerados no processo de beneficiamento de jeans no Polo Têxtil de Pernambuco. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 9(2), 122–129. https://doi.org/10.24221/jeap.9.2.2024.6273.122-129