Ethnopharmacology of the angiosperms of Chapada of Araripe located in Northeast of Brazil
Ethnobotany, traditional knowledge, herbal medicineResumo
The Chapada of Araripe, located in the Northeast of Brazil, presents a great vegetal diversity. The region presents a great cultural plurality, which is reflected in several popular knowledge, such as medicinal plants in the region. The study aimed to carry out an ethnopharmacological bibliographic survey of angiosperms present in the region. The scientific name of species was associated with the keywords "traditional use", "traditional medicine" "traditional knowledge", and "Brazil" to collect information published and available on Pubmed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Scopus Platform. Subsequently, the species with the greatest versatility of use were selected, and its relative importance (RI) indexes were calculated. As a result, 92 species with medicinal potential were identified in the Chapada of Araripe, corresponding to 81 genera and 44 botanical families, with Fabaceae, Asteraceae, Malvaceae, and Rubiaceae being the taxa that presented the highest number of species with 16, 6, 5 and 5, respectively. The 10 most versatile species were Anacardium occidentale (RI: 1.38), Astronium urundeuva (1.86), Copaifera langsdorffii (2.00), Hancornia speciosa (1.81), Himatanthus drasticus (1.62), Hymenaea stigonocarpa (1.89), Lafoensia pacari (1.83), Libidibia ferrea (1.43), Scoparia dulcis (1.71) and Ximenia americana L. (1.46). Finally, we emphasize that Chapada of Araripe is a region of great biological and cultural value, important for preserving local flora and traditional knowledge.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2021 Rafael Pereira da Cruz, José Weverton Almeida-Bezerra, Saulo Almeida de Menezes, Viviane Bezerra da Silva, Luciano Temoteo dos Santos, Maria Flaviana Bezerra Morais-Braga, José Laécio de Moraes

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