Cains of the universe: the self’s journey in (against) the world through literature – from antiquity to late modernity


  • Rafaela Rogério Cruz UFRPE/UAST


Myth, Logus, Novel, Romantism, Lukács


When the myth was no longer the processing method of the cosmos, the Hellenic world suffered an irreparable schism. The man, now devoid of transcendental connection with the gods and the universe, starts his ontologically lonesome journey. The arts –especially literature – while being essentially human activities, accompanied formally such separation. The present study aimed to investigate the evolution of forms, from the epic poem to the novel, as a symptom of this forlorn man’s Journey. It is also our concern – thinking literature as the product of an individual, solitary and particular experience – to raise questions on the worthiness of labels and divisions such as: Literatures of Gender, Ethnic Literatures, National Literatures etc.


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How to Cite

Cruz, R. R. (2021). Cains of the universe: the self’s journey in (against) the world through literature – from antiquity to late modernity. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 4(1), 46–62. Retrieved from