Análise Textual dos Discursos, cartas de amor, emissor, orientação argumentativa, representações discursivas.Abstract
In this article, we present the analysis of the discursive representations and the nature of the arguments used by the issuer in love letters from the Sertão do Pajeú, from the 50's, 20th century. The study focuses on the theoretical scope of Textual Linguistics, necessarily in the Textual Analysis of Discourses, undertaken by Jean-Michel Adam (2011). The research is of a qualitative nature, following the assumptions of documentary research. The corpus was selected at the Pernambuco Linguistic Documentation and Editing Laboratory (LeDoc), linked to PHPB (Project for the History of Brazilian Portuguese). Our hypothesis is that the linguistic choices used to constitute a given representation, in this case, a discursive representation of the issuer is made due to a certain argumentative intention - to explain, to declare oneself, to emphasize the affections directed to the recipient of the missives. In the analytical procedure, we use the theoretical categories: referencing, predication, modalization and connection and the types of employees in the statements.Downloads
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