"I Dream of Love and Yet I Sleep Alone"

Judith Teixeira, Reader of Renée Vivien


  • Samantha Pious independent scholar


Judith Teixeira, Renée Vivien, poesia


Judith Teixeira, known today as a bisexual Portuguese poet of the twentieth century, cites Renée Vivien, Anglo-French lesbian poet, in the epigraph to her book Núa: Poemas de Bysâncio and in her manifesto De Mim. Taking these citations as starting points, this article exmines Renée Vivien's influence on Teixeira, who developed her sense of the eroticism of poetic forms by reading Renée Vivien.


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How to Cite

Pious, S. (2023). "I Dream of Love and Yet I Sleep Alone": Judith Teixeira, Reader of Renée Vivien. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 10(2), 97–115. Retrieved from https://journals.ufrpe.br/index.php/entheoria/article/view/5911