Mammary gland, Microorganisms, Cows, Milking, InflamationAbstract
Bovine mastitis is the most common disease in dairy herds worldwide, affecting producers, the dairy industry and milk quality, in addition to having a negative impact on public health. This study aimed to follow the microbiological profile of the causative agents of bovine mastitis in dairy farms in the Agreste and Brejo microregion of Paraiba from August 2018 to December 2019. A total of 421 milk samples were collected from 987 mammary quarters of 250 cows diagnosed with clinical (CM) and subclinical mastitis (MSC) . MSC had a higher frequency of cases 405 (41.03 %) than MC 51 (5.16%). In the microbiological analyses, 16.63% of the samples collected from animals with MC or MSC were found to be negative. The most isolated genera in microbiological growth amostras were Staphylococcus spp. (26,36 %), Corynebacterium spp. (22,32 %), and Streptococcus spp. (12,59 %), while environmental agents showed sporadic cases in their isolation. In the evaluation of the CMT dynamics, it was found that samples with positive CMT results with negative microbiological exam result in M1, tended to have a significant reduction in CMT scores in M2. The findings highlight the importance of conducting health education in the region's milking process, as well as reinforcing the importance of using CMT in a systematic and criterion-based manner.Downloads
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