


Family farming, dairy cattle, leptospirosis, diagnosis


Leptospirosis is an endemic zoonosis in Brazil responsible for numerous reproductive and economic losses to the dairy industry. Brazil ranks fifth in the world's production of cow's milk and around 23 million cows are milked every day. The northwest region of the state of São Paulo has a considerable number of family farming settlements, with dairy farming being predominant. This article reports a seroepidemiological study to detect agglutinins against Leptospira spp. in 1,004 dairy cattle kept on 64 family farms producing milk in the northwest region of São Paulo. Management and environmental data for situation diagnosis were obtained with a questionnaire. Antibodies against Leptospira spp. were investigated by the microscopic seroagglutination test (SAM) and milk and urine samples were obtained from seroreactive animals with titer ? 400. These samples were submitted to molecular tests. Of the 64 properties studied, 63 (98%) had seroreactive animals. Of the 1,004 animals, 523 (52%) were reactive. According to the molecular tests, the presence of Leptospira spp. in the urine and milk of the seroreactive animals was negative. Wetlands, presence of rodents, occurrence of abortion, presence of dogs, presence of cats and presence of horses were variables associated with the risk of infection by Leptospira spp. In addition to its importance in animal health, leptospirosis poses a risk to human health, a situation that indicates the need for improvement of sanitary conditions in rural properties.


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How to Cite

Curci, V. C. M., Magajevski, F. S., Moreli, F. C. G., Romaldini , A. H. de C. N., Costa, R. L. D. da, Oliveira, T. C. B. de, Cardoso , T. C., Manzini , S., Cavalheiro, M. E., Alexandrino, M., Bertozzo, T. V., Steinle, J. S., Gomes, A. X. F., Aires, I. N., Lucheis , S. B., & Girio, R. J. S. (2024). ANTIBODIES AGAINST Leptospira spp. IN DAIRY CATTLE IN A FAMILY AGRICULTURE SYSTEM. Medicina Veterinária, 18(2), 159–168.



Veterinary Preventive Medicine