Climate change and forest restoration in Extreme South of Bahia

empirical study of legal reserve in rural properties




Rural environmental registry, legal reserve, new forest code, law 12.651/12


Climate change emerges as one of the most urgent and complex challenges humanity faces in the 21st century. In this context, promoting effective public policies and enacting legislation becomes imperative to mitigate adverse impacts and adapt societies to new environmental dynamics. These policies play a pivotal role in orchestrating efforts toward a more sustainable and resilient economy, providing an essential legal framework to guide individual, collective, and governmental actions toward climate change mitigation. Brazil has committed itself to restore 12 million hectares of forests by 2030 as one of the strategies to mitigate climate change. Even though the 20-year period for restoring the legal reserve is established, the initial time frame is not expressly provided by law, which has led to inconsistencies and possible low effectiveness of forest management policies. This study verified rural environmental registries (CAR in Portuguese) of properties in the State of Bahia and analyzed restoration timetables for legal reserve area. The results show that in 70,59% of the properties, which need to restore the legal reserve, the timetable extrapolated the year 2032. In 45% of them, the term was counted from the registration of the rural property in the CAR. It was concluded that the mistaken interpretations adopted weaken the recovery of native vegetation and, to a greater extent, the Brazilian goal of forest restoration by 2030.


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Author Biographies

Fábio Fernandes Corrêa , Public Ministry of the State of Bahia

Prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the State of Bahia (MPBA), having started his career in 2004. He has been manager of the Legal Forest Program since 2014, coordinated the Atlantic Forest Defense Center (NUMA) and was manager of the Atlantic Forest Bahia Program, between 2016 and 2019, all in the MPBA. Develops, together with partners, the Arboretum Program for the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Diversity in the Hileia Baiana region (2011 to date). 1 Secretary of the Brazilian Association of Members of the Public Ministry of the Environment (ABRAMPA), 2019/2021 and member of the Coordination Council of the Pact for the Restoration of the Atlantic Forest, 2019-2020 and 2021-2022. He has a master's degree in Environmental Sciences and Technologies from the Federal University of Southern Bahia (2019) and a specialization in Environmental and Urban Law from Universidade Anhanguera/Uniderp, with training for higher education (2013). He holds a degree in Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2000).    

Roberto Muhájir Rahnemay Rabbani, Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB)

Doctor in Law from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (USC), approved "cum laude" and European doctorate, with revalidation by the Faculty of Law of the University of Brasília (UnB). Master in International and Community Taxation from USC. Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS). He received a PhD scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation (MAEC-AECID). Acts as a Substitute Professor at UFS. He has advocated in more than 745 cases. He is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Southern Bahia (UFSB), participating in the Postgraduate Program in State and Society (PPGES) and the Environmental Sciences and Technologies Program (PPGCTA). He served as Vice-Dean of the Training Center for Human and Social Sciences (CFCHS) and as Coordinator of the Law Course, when the course was recognized with the highest score by the MEC. He was Adjunct Professor at the Department of Law at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CERES-UFRN). He has published books and scientific articles in the areas of Law, Environmental Taxation and the Environment.


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How to Cite

Fernandes Corrêa , F., Rahnemay Rabbani, R. M., & Carregosa Rabbani, A. R. (2024). Climate change and forest restoration in Extreme South of Bahia: empirical study of legal reserve in rural properties. Brazilian Journal of Agroecology and Sustainability, 6(1), 88–115.


