Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
NOTE: Authors who do not correctly fill in all metadata during the submission of manuscripts at the time of submission will have the submission REJECTED and ARCHIVED.
Mandatory items are marked in the submission link with an asterisk.
We emphasize that incomplete submissions, without metadata correctly filled out, will be considered inappropriate and will be REJECTED AND ARCHIVED. - Do the names of authors, the corresponding author, and the order of names follow the same sequence as they appear in the manuscript?
- The names of the authors and their affiliation must be informed and submitted in a supplementary document.
Studies involving research involving human subjects must submit a document confirming the approval of the study project by the CEP / CONEP system, following Resolution 466/2012 of the National Health Council (CNS), Chap. XII.2.
Also, inform in Material and Methods the number of the Certificate of Ethical Presentation (CAAE).
- The corresponding author must fill out an Author Agreement Form and upload it (PDF and signed by ALL authors, NEVER a signature image). The author agreement form is available at TEMPLATES on the JEAP Home Page. Save the form as a PDF, and upload the PDF.
NOTE: Authors who do not correctly fill in all manuscript metadata at the time of submission will be rejected and archived.
We reinforce that incomplete submissions, without the metadata correctly filled in, will be considered inappropriate and, in this case, the author can correct and resubmit after receiving the REJECT AND FILED of the JEAP.
Articles - Artigos
In an original research article, the manuscript must be organized in the following order: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion (in separate sections or not), Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References. The length of the main text (excluding references, tables, figures, and figure legends) must be a minimum of 3,000 words. The structure must be organized as follows: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods with brief experimental details with subtitles in italics and only the first word with the first letter in capital letters, Results and Discussion, in separate sections or not, at the discretion of the Authors, as a body of text without highlights, Conclusion (must be drawn from your results, clearly and firmly supported by the data shown in your results, without any references, and responding to the proposed objectives in the Introduction), Acknowledgments and References.
Critical Review - Revisão Crítica
A Critical Review must present relevant data and information on the topic, with a minimum number of 100 references, including a minimum of 30% with the most recent one. The length of the text must be a minimum of 5000 words. Articles must have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20 pages, including all captions, references, tables, figures, and figures.
Scientific Note - Nota Científica
The text in a Scientific Note must be organized as follows: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material and Methods, with brief experimental details, without subtitles, Results and Discussion, in separate sections or not, at the discretion of the Authors, as a body of text without highlights, Acknowledgments, References (up to 20 citations) and Figures or Tables (up to three). The text must not exceed 2,000 words.
Ecological Interactions
Publica artigos, revisões de literatura e notas científicas envolvendo temas diversos envolvendo aplicações ecológicas em diferentes ambientes.
It publishes articles, literature reviews and scientific notes involving issues related to ecological applications in different environments.
Aplied Technology
Publica artigos, revisões de literatura e notas científicas envolvendo temas diversos envolvendo aplicações de tecnologias em diferentes ambientes.
It publishes articles, literature reviews and scientific notes involving issues related to applied technologies in different environments.
Economic Botany
Publica artigos, revisões de literatura e notas científicas envolvendo temas relativos à botânica econômica, incluindo farmacobotânica e etnobotânica, aplicados a diferentes ambientes.
It publishes articles, literature reviews and scientific notes involving issues related to economic botany, including pharmacobotany and ethnobotany applied to different environments.
Environmental Geotechnology
Publica artigos e revisões de literatura envolvendo temas diversos com aplicações de métodos e tecnologias relativos à exploração e utilização de recursos naturais.
It publishes articles and literature reviews involving issues with applications of methods and technologies related to the exploitation and use of natural resources.
Society and Nature
Publica artigos, revisões de literatura e notas científicas envolvendo temas relativos às interações da sociedade com o ambiente.
It publishes articles, literature reviews and scientific notes involving issues related to the society's interactions with the environment.
Copyright Notice
Material protegido por direitos autorais e plágio. No caso de material com direitos autorais ser reproduzido no manuscrito, a atribuição integral deve ser informada no texto; um documento comprobatório de autorização deve ser enviado para a Comissão Editorial como documento suplementar. É da responsabilidade dos autores, não do JEAP ou dos editores ou revisores, informar, no artigo, a autoria de textos, dados, figuras, imagens e/ou mapas publicados anteriormente em outro lugar. Se existir alguma suspeita sobre a originalidade do material, a Comissão Editorial pode verificar o manuscrito por plágio. Nos casos em que trechos publicados anteriormente em outro documento for confirmado, o manuscrito será devolvido sem revisão adicional e sem a possibilidade de nova submissão. Autoplágio (ou seja, o uso de frases idênticas de documentos publicados anteriormente pelo mesmo autor) também não é aceitável.
Direitos autorais: Autor
Material protected by copyright and plagiarism rights. In the case of copyrighted material being reproduced in the manuscript, full attribution should be informed in the text; an authorization document is proving to be sent to the Editorial Board as a supplementary document. It is the responsibility of the authors, not JEAP or editors or reviewers, to inform, in the article, the authors of texts, data, graphics, images, and maps previously published elsewhere. If there is any suspicion about the originality of the material, the Editorial Board can check the manuscript for plagiarism. Where plagiarism is confirmed, the document will be returned without further review and the possibility of a new submission. Self-plagiarism (i.e., the use of the same phrases previously published documents by any of the authors) is not acceptable.
Copyright: Author
Privacy Statement
Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados, exclusivamente, para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.
The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used, exclusively, for the services provided by this publication and is not available for other purposes or to third parties.