Ecotoxicity of Direct Red 09 dye using Eisenia fetida L. and Lactuca sativa L. as biological indicators




Plant bioassays, Ecotoxicology, Aquatic pollution, Soil pollution


The constantly evolving industrial sector has been causing increasing pollution in watercourses and soil. The production of dyes contributes to this problem, as approximately 15% of the substances used in the industry are directly discarded into the environment. Due to the limited information on the environmental impacts of dyes, this study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the toxic potential of Direct Red 09 dye on earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and on the germination and initial development of lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Four concentrations of the dye (1, 2, 4, and 8 mg mL-1) were evaluated, in addition to the control (distilled water). The toxicity tests followed the OECD 207 guidelines for E. fetida and ISO 18763 for L. sativa, both with adaptations. The results showed that in earthworms, exposure to the dye caused 20% mortality at a concentration of 8 mg mL-1, while lower concentrations caused morphological alterations such as loss of coloration and leakage of blood and coelomic fluid. In lettuce, the concentration of 8 mg mL-1 reduced the germination percentage by 73,16%, and concentrations of 4 and 8 mg mL-1 affected the germination speed index. The length of the shoot and root of the seedlings was affected by all evaluated dye concentrations, with the median effective concentration (EC50) for the root being 1,75 mg mL-1. It can be concluded that Direct Red 09 dye is toxic to the tested living organisms, highlighting the need for control in the disposal of this substance into the environment.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. M. da, Dutra, V. de S. V. ., Borgo, A. L. ., Nascimento, C. M. S., & Oliveira, J. E. Z. de. (2024). Ecotoxicity of Direct Red 09 dye using Eisenia fetida L. and Lactuca sativa L. as biological indicators. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, 9(3), 196–204.