The Brazilian semi-arid region features vegetation adapted to water deficit due to irregular rainfall patterns, high temperatures, and intense solar radiation. The lack of water in the soil is one of the main factors determining plant establishment, especially during the initial stages of their development. In this context, the aim was to assess morphological changes in yellow ipê tree (Handroanthus serratifolius) seedlings growing under water deficit conditions, using seeds collected from both preserved and anthropized areas. To achieve this, seeds from two different areas were collected and germinated to obtain seedlings. Subsequently, the seedlings were subjected to different water regimes based on field capacity (FC), with T100 = 100% FC, T75 = 75% FC, T50 = 50% FC, and T25 = 25% FC, to evaluate morphological changes. The results indicated that yellow ipê tree seedlings from both environments have the ability to adapt or adjust to water deficit conditions, with city seedlings capable of adopting more effective strategies against these stressful conditions, accelerating growth, and maintaining significant leaf production. The greatest plasticity was found in leaf production in both environments, with the most significant variation in height and the lowest plasticity in stem and leaf water content and diameter. Therefore, the ability of yellow trumpet trees to adapt to stressful conditions suggests that seeds retain memories of the characteristics of the "mother plant."Downloads
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