
  • Andryelle Silva dos Santos UAST/UFRPE


1984; Dystopia; Totalitarian; Power; Speech.


This paper aims to discuss the established power relation in the novel 1984 (1949) by George Orwell. These power relations are not only established in opposition, domination, slavery and subjection, but also emerge and can mobilize forces to oppose each other, through resistance and subversion. For this purpose, we investigate the genre Dystopia as a critic to the functioning of totalitarian societies distinguishing the established power relations. In theory, the analysis is based on Arendt (1948), to understand the totalitarian regime, besides the genre Dystopia and its functioning based on Pavloski (2005) and Fromm (2010), in Foucault (1979) the concept of power and subjection is observed. In the end of this research, based on the analysis and theoretical discussions, we give evidence that the established power relations are presented from the speech that will be molding into the totalitarian societies. The advertising and the speech are the mechanism that will make the people turn into subjects with less expression capability, concluding that the language keeps being the major instrument and tool of power.  


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How to Cite

Silva dos Santos, A. (2022). TOTALITARIANISM, DYSTOPIA AND POWER IN 1984 BY GEORGE ORWELL. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 8(2), 115–128. Retrieved from