
  • Rogéria Dantas de Melo Justino UFCG


Educação intercultural crítica;, Pedagogia dos multiletramentos;, Diversidade sociocultural;, Prática pedagógica.


Hate speeches are produced and disseminated frequently on the internet, reflecting intolerance and prejudice with regard to the cultural diversity that makes up our society. With the globalization process that took place between the late 1980s and early 1990s, cultural hybridity has become an even more evident aspect in contemporary society. In the current scenario, discussing these aspects is necessary, above all, in the field of education. From this perspective, this article aims to reflect on two approaches that can significantly contribute to the promotion of an educational practice aimed at deconstructing stereotyped narratives in relation to sociocultural diversity: critical intercultural education and multiliteracies pedagogy . It was observed how the two approaches approximate and complement each other, configuring themselves as possible proposals to be integrated into teaching practice. The approaches can contribute to the formation of critical subjects who question the power relations and hierarchy that constitute our society and, consequently, in the minimization of intolerant and prejudiced discourses that circulate in the media.


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How to Cite

Dantas de Melo Justino, R. (2022). EDUCAÇÃO INTERCULTURAL CRÍTICA E PEDAGOGIA DOS MULTILETRAMENTOS: CORRELAÇÕES E REFLEXÕES. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 9(1), 80–94. Retrieved from