
  • Josyane Malta Nascimento UNILAB


Lusophony. Agualusa. Mia Couto


The article discusses the notion of Lusophony and discusses the centralization of the Portuguese language for the construction of the concept. At first, entitled “Lusophony and the Portuguese language”, we focus on criticizing Lusolinguism and its centrality in the conception of Lusophony, understanding this perspective as homogenizing. Next, we work with some fragments of the novel Um estranho em Goa, by José Eduardo Agualusa, covering the Goan space and the linguistic tension staged in the plot. We also collated some intellectual concerns, based on the position of Michel Chaen, Lourenço do Rosário and Fernando Cristóvão. Finally, we dedicate the last section to reflect on the challenges of building the Lusophone space as a place of plurality and inclusion, bringing to the scene the essay “Luso-Afonias”, by Mia Couto. In the meantime, we also take the opportunity to expose the example of UNILAB in the cooperative building of Portuguese speaking countries.


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How to Cite

Malta Nascimento, J. (2023). A LUSOFONIA E A LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA: : INQUIETAÇÕES E DESAFIOS. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 10(1), 114–123. Retrieved from https://journals.ufrpe.br/index.php/entheoria/article/view/5407