
  • Matteo Pupillo Universidade de Évora


Judith Teixeira, Gilka Machado, physiognomic ambiguity, poetic comparison


Based on the photographic collection of the two women poets, this article seeks to show, in order to make a clear distinction and unravel the physiognomic ambiguities that have been generated around these two leading of the literatures written in Portuguese, who is Gilka Machado and who is Judith Teixeira. Thus, based on these morphological similarities and the personal and cultural experiences of the two authors, we will observe that, coincidentally, a literary approximation can be established and in this context some works have already been published. However, when dealing with these approximations, this work will not focus in detail on the eroticism or tedium themes, but it will intend to show - and this is the second purpose - that even some poems' titles, or some thematic motives are identical in both writers. 


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How to Cite

Pupillo, M. (2023). PHYSIOGNOMIC AND POETIC ANALOGIES: GILKA MACHADO AND JUDITH TEIXEIRA: GILKA MACHADO E JUDITH TEIXEIRA . Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 10(2), 82–96. Retrieved from