
  • Andreia de Lima Andrade Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


Literatura de autoria feminina; Erotismo; Transgressão


Female writers from the 18th and early 20th centuries produced with well-defined purposes, generally female desire and passions were outside the writing of these women. However, in the 20th century, a new literary production appeared in Portuguese Literature, authored by women, still rejected by society, especially with regard to the theme of the texts produced by these authors. Among them is Judith Teixeira and Florbela Espanca. The production of a work of an erotic nature meant that they were on the margins of the literary canon, in their time. They were seen as transgressors for producing a lyric that did not fit the model of female authorship imposed by society. In the specific case of Judith Teixeira, according to Dal Farra, she was “of the entire history of Portuguese literature, the poet to have suffered, in life, the most ferocious and persecutory misogynistic sentence – and that in the middle of the Republic secular and democratic in transition to the New State” (2010, p. 845). Therefore, we aim, in this article, to show the subversive character of the poetics of Florbela Espanca and Judith Teixeira, exposing the reason why these authors were persecuted by critics in their time. For that, we base ourselves on Silva (2014); Da Farra (2010); Giavara (2015); between others.


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How to Cite

Andrade, A. de L. (2023). JUDITH E FLORBELA: POESIA E SUBVERSÃO FEMININA. Entheoria: Cadernos De Letras E Humanas, 10(2), 66–81. Retrieved from https://journals.ufrpe.br/index.php/entheoria/article/view/6227