Bioindicators of Air Quality Species | Bioindicadores de espécies de qualidade do ar


  • Cleuma Christir Silva Almeida UFRPE
  • Thyêgo Nunes Alves Barreto UFRPE
  • Elizabete Buonora de Souza Lira UFRPE
  • Emmanuelle Maria Gonçalves Lorena UFRPE
  • Itala Gabriela Sobral Santos UFRPE
  • Ana Paula Xavier Gondra Bezerra UFRPE


Atmospheric pollution, tree and lichens.


The research aimed to identify biomarkers (trees and lichens) used in studies related to air pollution published in scientific articles in the years 2013 and 2016 worldwide. It performed a literature review based on scientific article published between the years 2013-2016, seeking to indicate the main bio-indicators species of lichens and individual trees, as well as the local indication that favors the highest concentration of atmospheric pollutant. The most studied species of lichens were Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Evernia prunastri (L.) Ach., Parmelia sulcata Taylor, L. Pseudevernia furfuracea Zopf, all cited in at least two studies. By contrast, the forest species have been little studied preventing the indication of the species that are considered bioindicators, requiring further study. The concentrations of PAHs and heavy metals in the atmosphere influence the diversity and distribution of species of both lichens, as the tree species, which may be related to sensitivity that one may have in relation to the other. Such concentrations are influenced by climate change, humidity, wind direction, altitude, different uses and occupation, distance and type of pollution. The bioindicators raised proved to be quite relevant, however it lacks a methodological standardization, hindering greater intraspecific and interspecific comparisons.


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Author Biographies

Cleuma Christir Silva Almeida, UFRPE

Engenheira Florestal, Licenciada em Ciências Agrícolas, Mestranda em Engenhaira Ambiental, todos pela UFRPE.

Thyêgo Nunes Alves Barreto, UFRPE

Engenheiro Florestal, Doutorando em Ciências Florestais, todos pela UFRPE.

Elizabete Buonora de Souza Lira, UFRPE

Engenheira Florestal -UFRPE.

Emmanuelle Maria Gonçalves Lorena, UFRPE

Engenheira Civil e Mestranda em Engenharia Ambiental

Itala Gabriela Sobral Santos, UFRPE

Mestranda em Engenharia Ambiental - UFRPE

Ana Paula Xavier Gondra Bezerra, UFRPE

Engenheira Ambiental e Mestranda em Engenharia Ambiental


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How to Cite

Almeida, C. C. S., Barreto, T. N. A., Lira, E. B. de S., Lorena, E. M. G., Santos, I. G. S., & Bezerra, A. P. X. G. (2017). Bioindicators of Air Quality Species | Bioindicadores de espécies de qualidade do ar. Geama Journal - Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 94–102. Retrieved from



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