Analysis of Behavior of Vegetation in the Year of 2016 for the Municipality of Remanso- BA


  • Ismael Farias de Freitas
  • Laurizio E. R. Alves
  • Heliofábio B. Gomes
  • Jeová R. S. Júnior
  • Dimas B. Santiago
  • Rafael A. Silva


Droughts are a natural problem in the Northeastern Brazilian region, in addition the rainfall distribution poorly distributed spatially and temporally results in seasonal changes in the surface vegetation. Consequently, the monitoring and evaluation of vegetation in the northeast region of Brazil has become increasingly constant. For this evaluation several techniques are used, but the use of environmental satellites is increasingly applied, such as the Landsat 8 satellite, where the products generated for the calculation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) were used. In this circumstance, the objective of this work was to evaluate the vegetation behavior through the NDVI and to analyze the interaction of the same with the occurrence of precipitation in the municipality of Remanso-BA throughout the year 2016. For the calculation and elaboration of the thematic maps of NDVI were respectively, the software Erdas 9.2 and Qgis 2.14.2. In the study, 11 images of the Landsat 8 satellite corresponding to orbit 218 and quadrant 067 were used. The results showed high NDVI values in the rainy season, while in the dry season the values were lower, a significant reduction occurred during the year in the area Of body of water in which is the Lago de Sobradinho. It was also evident the decrease of dense vegetation in the first months of the year and the increase of areas devoid of vegetation due to lack of rain. However, the variations of NDVI were due to the occurrence of precipitation over the period studied


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How to Cite

Farias de Freitas, I., Alves, L. E. R., Gomes, H. B., Júnior, J. R. S., Santiago, D. B., & Silva, R. A. (2017). Analysis of Behavior of Vegetation in the Year of 2016 for the Municipality of Remanso- BA. Geama Journal - Environmental Sciences, 3(3), 149–156. Retrieved from



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