Characterization of cassava wastewaters from the processing of different cassava cultivars



Manihot esculenta C., Cassava flour, Flour mill, Manipueira, Reuse


The present study aimed to determine the attributes of cassava wastewater from different cultivars used for the manufacture of flour in family processing units in the city of São Felipe-BA; and define a nutritional quality indicator for it. For this, the main cultivars used for flour manufacturing by producers in the municipality of São Felipe, Bahia, Brazil, were selected: ‘Salangó Preta’, ‘Cigana’, ‘Platina’, ‘Eucalipto’, ‘Graveto’, ‘Milagrosa’, ‘Cidade Rica’ and ‘Correnteza’. In addition, the cultivars ‘Kiriris’, ‘Formosa’ and ‘Poti Branca’, developed and cultivated by Embrapa Cassava & Fruits, were also evaluated. Cassava wastewaters were obtain by the crushing and pressing of the sampled roots. The attributes sampled were subject to descriptive and multivariate statistics. The attributes of cassava wastewaters showed low and medium variability. The most important attributes to separate the different cultivars, regarding the quality of cassava wastewater, were: potassium, calcium, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, phosphorus, and total nitrogen. In view of the strong correlation between attributes K, Ca, EC, and TDS, EC can be consider as a nutritional quality indicator of the cassava wastewaters from different origins in the region.


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How to Cite

Costa, A. G., da Silva Souza, L., da Silva Xavier, F. A. ., Mitsue Watanabe Cova, A., de Souza Lopes, T. C. ., & Seixas Costa, F. L. . (2021). Characterization of cassava wastewaters from the processing of different cassava cultivars. Geama Journal - Environmental Sciences, 7(2), 39–47. Retrieved from