Wheat photosynthetic parameters influenced by the use of seaweed extract and fungicide



Algomel PUSH, Plant elicitation, Fluorometer, Solieria chrodalis, Electron transfer


Fungicides and seaweed extracts are commonly employed in agricultural fields, yet their impact on the photosynthetic process in plants remains poorly understood. This study aimed to address this knowledge gap by conducting a controlled experiment, fully isolating the treatments, and investigating the effects of a fungicide containing Trifloxystrobin + Prothioconazole (applied three times), a seaweed extract derived from Solieria chordalis (applied once), and their combination. The study employed four treatments with ten replicates each, using the TBio Audaz® cultivar. Parameters related to chlorophyll excitation were assessed using a portable fluorometer. The findings revealed significant effects on nearly all analyzed parameters. Application of the fungicide resulted in a significant reduction in the flow of electrons to photosystem I (PSI) (?Ro) and induced the formation of a larger (ABS/RC) and less efficient (PIABS) antenna system. Moreover, the combined use of the seaweed extract with the fungicide exacerbated the detrimental effects of the pesticide.


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How to Cite

Dal Bosco Ducatti, R., Wordell-Filho, J. A. ., Tironi, S. P., & Mazaro, S. M. (2023). Wheat photosynthetic parameters influenced by the use of seaweed extract and fungicide. Geama Journal - Environmental Sciences, 9(2), 29–35. Retrieved from https://journals.ufrpe.br/index.php/geama/article/view/5935