Evaluation of coagulants' effectiveness in treating river water during precipitation events: a comparative study with recovered clarifier sludge coagulant
WTP wastes, Coagulant regeneration, Acid pathway, Water Treatment, Rainfall EventsAbstract
Due to uncontrolled population growth, the quality of water from water sources has declined, especially during rainfall events, necessitating the conduct of various treatability studies. This study aimed to evaluate the application of different dosages of coagulant recovered from clarifier sludge in the removal of apparent color, turbidity, and residual pH, compared to other coagulants. Initially, the recovery of the coagulant present in the sludge was carried out via acidification from a water treatment plant that uses PAC as a coagulant. Subsequently, PAC, aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride, and tannin coagulants, along with the recovered coagulant, were tested for coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation treatment of water from a water body after a rainfall event, using jar test equipment and testing dosages of 10, 40, and 60 mg/L. The parameters evaluated were apparent color, turbidity, and pH. The recovered coagulant showed efficiency equivalent to PAC in apparent color removal, especially at the dosage of 60 mg/L, achieving the highest efficiency among the tested conditions. Additionally, the recovered coagulant, at the dosage of 60 mg/L, was as effective as other coagulants at the same dosage, and aluminum sulfate, at 40 mg/L, also showed equivalent efficiency, both being the most effective conditions for turbidity removal. The pH of the samples decreased with the increase in aluminum and iron salts concentration as coagulants, while the use of tannin kept the pH of the treated water stable. Therefore, the coagulant recovered from clarifier sludge via acidification is effective in treating raw water with high color and turbidity, providing a useful application for wastewater treatment plant residues.Downloads
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