Gamma radiation effect in vacuum-packed dried meat: an alternative to the environment | Efeito da radiação gama em carne seca embalado a vácuo: uma alternativa para o meio ambiente


  • Márcio Albuquerque Silva Fiocruz RJ
  • Luiz Philippe R. Batista
  • Maria C. V. Vicalvi
  • Elelyne G. Solidônio
  • Kêsia X. F. R. Sena
  • Valdeciro Colaço


jerked beef, food contamination, irradiation, , environmental sciences


Food-borne diseases are the major health problem in many countries. This concern relates to the fact that in recent years the occurrence of foodborne diseases has become frequent due to failure to comply with the hygienic and sanitary standards. The processing of Jerked beef is very similar to the charque and at all stages of their technological processing the meat is exposed to contamination, especially in operations where is more manipulated. The objective was to determine which doses of radiation between 2kGy, 4kGy 6kGy would be more effective in decontaminating the product sold in a large supermarket network in Recife. The jerked beef is sold in vacuum packaging weighing 500g each, for this work were purchased six bags of 500g, these were divided into two different batches (each of three samples). Under sterile conditions, the meat was cut placed in Petri dishes and weighed, each specimen were made in eight sub-samples each weighing 25g, generating 48 subsamples. Of these 12 sub-samples were assigned to the control group and the remaining (36 sub-samples) were taken to the irradiator with a source of cobalt-60 MDS-Gammacell 220EXCEL Nordionn. The sub-samples were added to an Erlenmeyer flask with 225 ml of sterile water and were agitated for 15 minutes creating wash water, and another part was added to an Erlenmeyer flask with 225 ml of sterile water and was stored at room temperature by having 14 hours to form a water desalting. 1?L Aliquots of these waters were removed and sown in the midst of exhaustion sheep blood agar and incubated at 35 ° C for 24 hours for analysis of bacterial growth and the microbial count. Using the methodology of wash water was not observed in any growth plate. for the desalting water the results were as ‘follows: for first experiment in the control group values were between 5.133 x 105 and 9.56 x 108 UFC/ g after irradiation values ranged from 1.7 x105 to 2x106 for 2kGy ;0 to 6x104 for 4kGy and 0 to 6 kGy performing statistical analysis between the control and the doses were not statistically significant  of dose 2 kGy (p = 0, 130919) there is a statistical difference in rates of 4kGy (p = 0.040510) and 6 kGy (p = 0.047905) in experiment two control values ranging from 2.3 x 109 to 4.1 x 109 UFC/ g for the dose 2kGy, and 4kGy 6kGy variants respective values of 6.5 x107 to 1.05x109; 1.7 x105 to 1.76 x105 and from 0 to 1.3 x104, as seen in the first experiment, no statistically significant difference in dose of 2 kGy (p = 0.079057) , significant differences were 4 kGy and 6 kGy (p = 0.028125; p = 0.028151, respectively). We can conclude that the dose of 2kGy is ineffective, and doses of 4kGy and 6kGy are effective in decontaminating the jerked beef because there is a statistically significant difference between control and these doses.


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Author Biography

Márcio Albuquerque Silva, Fiocruz RJ

IOC - instituto oswaldo cruzBCS - biologia computacional e sistemas


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How to Cite

Silva, M. A., Batista, L. P. R., Vicalvi, M. C. V., Solidônio, E. G., Sena, K. X. F. R., & Colaço, V. (2016). Gamma radiation effect in vacuum-packed dried meat: an alternative to the environment | Efeito da radiação gama em carne seca embalado a vácuo: uma alternativa para o meio ambiente. Geama Journal - Environmental Sciences, 2(2), 176–183. Retrieved from



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