Strawberry cultivation in Brazil | Cultivo de morangos no Brasil


  • José Machado PhD. Professor of Departamento de Tecnologia Rural da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


strawberry crop, organic strawberry, strawberry production


The strawberry is cultivated in different regions of the world. Their cultivation have shown demand larger family hand labor and highly profitable.  The strawberry is a very old fruit. Wild species existed for more 50 million years, but the specie was tamed around the XIV century A.C.  There are various types of cultivation, among them stand out traditional cultivation and organic cultivation. The more important factors affecting the strawberries are climate, pests and diseases. Know the types of cultivation and strawberry it is important for decision making in the future, such as use of lichens in cultivation. The aim of this work is to explain about conventional and organic agriculture with emphasis in lichens on strawberry crop to support scientific research in more depth character.> S


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How to Cite

Machado, J. (2016). Strawberry cultivation in Brazil | Cultivo de morangos no Brasil. Geama Journal - Environmental Sciences, 2(3), 230–238. Retrieved from



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